All Products with CEUs

Click a picture below to discover the CEU opportunities for each Safe Ride News publication.

For CPSTs (individuals who have earned national child passenger safety certification through Safe Kids Worldwide), Continuing Education Units (CEUs) toward recertification may be earned utilizing these publications from Safe Ride News. 

Front page of an SRN Newsletter.
Earn 1 CEU per year for a Safe Ride News subscription, the newsletter that keeps you informed.
The School Bus Safety Handbook
If you have a School Bus Safety Handbook, a quiz is available that is worth 1 CEU for a passing score.
Hooked on LATCH
CPSTs who present the LATCH PowerPoints® on this CD can provide attendees with 1–3 CEUs.
If you have access to a 2023 LATCH Manual, a quiz is available that is worth 1 CEU for a passing score.
School Bus Challenge
CPSTs who present this  PowerPoints® about using CSRS on school buses can provide attendees with 1.5 CEUs.