
SRN Website Now Offers Online Ordering!

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Safe Ride News Publications is pleased to bring you this brand new website, as of August 2018. The address remains the same——but the look, layout, and some functionality have been revised. We hope that the CPS community will like our refreshed look and find it easier to access information.

Most exciting is the addition of e-commerce capability! Customers have asked for this for years, and by migrating our site to an entirely new platform we are finally able to offer online ordering. Now, rather than filling out and mailing/faxing an order form, buyers can order directly from the website and pay online. Institutional purchasers will still have the option to submit a purchase order, now through the online checkout process. Of course, we hope these changes make your ordering experience easier, but if you have any questions or problems, we are always happy to help ( or 800-403-1424).

From the footer or the sidebar you’ll find an opportunity to sign up to be on our list for email alerts from Safe Ride News, such as LATCH Manual updates. There is no charge for signing up!

The SRN website also has lots of free resources and information that are meant to help CPSTs do their important work. All of the tools from the former site have moved to the new site, so they are still available. For instance:

  • LATCH-related resources, like the LATCH Manual Updates page and the LATCH Manual quiz can be found under the LATCH menu tab.
  • The School Bus Safety menu tab includes CSRS usage videos, NHTSA policy statements, the School Bus Safety Handbook CEU quiz, and more.
  • Information on all CEUs offered by SRN Publications can be found under the CEUs menu tab.
  • The Manufacturers Alliance for CPS homepage can be accessed by clicking the MACPS logo at the bottom-right corner of the SRN homepage
  • CPS articles and other resources can be found under the News menu tab.

There is a search function where you can enter key words to find information. If you still have trouble finding what you need on the new site, please get in touch, and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.