
About Us

Safe Ride News Publications is an independent publishing company that specializes in educational materials developed to support the child passenger safety field.

We publish:

  • Safe Ride News (a bi-monthly newsletter, the most comprehensive independent source of CPS information for health and safety professionals and advocates)
  • The LATCH Manual (a training and reference manual written for certified child passenger safety technicians to help them properly educate families on using the LATCH system)
  • Child Safety Fact Sheets (a series of handouts for community outreach and education that each focus on a specific safety topic)
  • The School Bus Safety Handbook (a handbook which serves as an all-in-one background, reference, and resource guide for school transporters, occupational/physical therapists, special educators, CPSTs, families)
  • CPS presentation CDs, preapproved for CEUs.  Topics include LATCH and CPS on school buses.

Safe Ride News Publications is a small, independent company supported by subscriptions and sales. In order to maintain our independence, no funds are accepted from manufacturers or retailers. Mention of specific products in the newsletter or related materials, such as Fact Sheets, does not imply endorsement by Safe Ride News Publications. All products are reviewed by highly qualified technical and program experts before publication.

This Safe Ride News website is a compilation of informational articles and resources—largely available from no other source—that supports child passenger safety technicians (CPSTs). Although non-CPST caregivers will also find useful information here, this site is not intended to be a comprehensive child passenger safety “how-to” guide.  However, links to several sites for such information can be found in the Resources section.

Safe Ride News is a U.S. Company

Safe Ride News Publications is the exclusive publisher and sole source provider for all of its products, including The LATCH Manual, Using Lower Anchors and Tethers for Child Restraints (currently in the 2021 edition), the School Bus Safety Handbook (currently in the 3rd edition), and SRN Fact Sheets.  These products are created and printed in the U.S.A.

Contact Us

Tel: 800-403-1424 or 425-640-5710     Fax: 425-640-5417
Safe Ride News Publications
P.O. Box 136
Greenbank, WA 98253-0136