
The Mental Acrobatics Needed to Apply LATCH Weight Limits

As most readers have probably noticed, we are going through a particularly complex period with respect to determining LATCH weight limits.  Most CPSTs have heard about upcoming changes in FMVSS 213 regarding lower anchor weight limits.  NHTSA has ruled that, by next February or sooner, CRs must have instructions and labels limiting use of the lower attachment system to a child weight specific to each CR model.  This weight limit is to be calculated based on the formula “65 pounds minus the CR weight.”  Keeping things interesting, this final rule is under further review, and NHTSA may or may not announce a modification to it in coming weeks.  Though this ruling pertains to CRs only, many vehicle manufacturers indicate in the 2013 LATCH Manual* ((The most current LATCH Manual is the 2019 edition; outdated versions should not be used.)) that they have adopted this same formula to express lower anchor limits (and tether anchor limits, too, in some cases).  So this limit now applies to about half of all vehicle brands.

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Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards—Side-Impact Related

Status of CR Side-Impact Regulation

The Department of Transportation’s January 2013 Significant Rulemaking Report provides an update on the status of rulemaking for side-impact CR performance requirements, as well as all other significant projects of NHTSA and other agencies.

The update cites the reason for delay of the next action, a public Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), as “additional coordination necessary.” It now indicates a projected NPRM date of February 15, 2013 (after this issue of SRN goes to press). The NPRM will open a public comment period, which is typically 60 to 90 days from the date of posting.

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Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards—School Bus Related

Why No Boosters on Buses?

In October 2008, NHTSA published the “Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Seating Systems, Occupant Crash Protection, Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages, School Bus Passenger Seating and Crash Protection” final rule, the last components of which will take effect on October 21, 2011. Important among these is the requirement for new buses of 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight or less to be equipped with lap-shoulder belts, rather than lap-only belts, in all positions.

Having access to lockable, standardized lap-shoulder seat belts on these smaller buses may make installation of conventional CRs easy on most buses so equipped. However, caregivers and advocates are often surprised to learn that best practice is to NOT use a booster on a school bus, even when a lap-shoulder belt is available and the child would normally ride in a booster in the family vehicle.

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Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards—10-year-old Crash Dummy Related

Safe Ride News Publication's comments to NHTSA

Comments on Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Child Restraint Systems; Hybrid III 10-Year-Old Child Test Dummy Docket #NHTSA-2010-0158

We represent Safe Ride News Publications, publisher of materials that support the life-saving efforts of child passenger safety professionals, including Safe Ride News, the major child passenger safety technical periodical in the U.S. Safe Ride News Publications has been advocating for child passenger safety for over thirty years, and we consider NHTSA’s efforts over that time period to develop a range of ATDs that represent children of varying sizes and development to be critically important. The current proposal regarding the Hybrid III 6- and 10-year-old ATDs takes another step forward in that effort, and we appreciate the opportunity to comment.

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