- Lifesavers Conference (Long Beach, CA): March 9-11 (with auxiliary trainings March 8);
www.lifesaversconference.org - NM: March 19-20
Buckle Up New Mexico Recertification Training (Albuquerque); Tura Linderholm, tlinderholm@safernm.org - WA: March 25-26
Washington Child Passenger Safety Summit (Tacoma); Cesi Velez, velezc@cobl.us - OK: April 15-16
Martha Collar Tech Reunion (Oklahoma City); Isis Palomino, ipalomino@bethanychildrens.org - Kansas City, KS/MO: April
Greater Kansas City CPST Update (Olathe, KS); Phyllis Larimore, phyllislarimore44@gmail.com - IA: May 2
Annual Iowa Child Passenger Safety Technician Update (Johnston, IA); Riley Maher, Riley.Maher@unitypoint.org - NY: May 6–8
2025 New York State Child Passenger Safety Technical Conference (Lake Placid); Aubrey Feldman, aubrey.feldman@dmv.ny.gov - WV: May 14-16
West Virginia Traffic Safety Conference (Bridgeport); Kerry Chausmer, kchausmer@ghsa.org - AZ/CA: May 19
Southern CA CPS Day Conference (Los Angeles); Kristen Sanders, ksanders@ph.lacounty.gov - NC: May 19-22
Safe Kids North Carolina Conference (Concord); Alex Wilkins, alexander.wilkins@ncdoi.gov - ID: May 21–22
2025 Child Passenger Safety Conference (Boise); Carma McKinnon, carma@lemhicountyidaho.org - NE: June 17
Nebraska CPST Update (York); Jason Kerkman, 402-471-879, Jason.kerkman@nebraska.gov - IL: June 24-25
Illinois Child Passenger Safety Conference (Bloomington Illinois); Cara Compardo, ccompardo98@siumed.edu - MD: July 29
Maryland CPS Tech Update (Location TBD, central to DC and Baltimore areas); Claire Myer, claire.myer@maryland.gov - KIDZ IN MOTION Conference (Madison, WI): August 13-15 (Extended Learning Sessions on August 13); www.kidzinmotion.org
- WI: August 18-19
Governor’s Highway Safety Conference (Wisconsin Dells); Jim Savage, jsavage@childrenswi.org - ME: September21-22
Maine CPS Conference (Location TBD; within 25 miles of Bangor or Portland); Kerry Chausmer, kchausmer@ghsa.org
- Lifesavers Conference (Baltimore, MD): April 19-21 (with auxiliary trainings April 18)
- Lifesavers Conference (San Antonio, TX): March 7-9 (with auxiliary trainings March 6) www.lifesaversconference.org
To have your conference dates included on this calendar click here.