Educational Materials for the Child Passenger Safety Field
Churchill (with Positioning Vest and/or Harness)
A vehicle seat-belt positioning device for children and adults made by Merritt Manufacturing of New Whiteland, Indiana.
This booster seat provides extra support to keep a vehicle occupant in position while using a seat belt. The occupant MUST wear a vehicle lap-shoulder belt. The vehicle’s seating position must have LATCH or access for straps to run through the seat bight. A positioning vest or positioning harness provide upper body support. It is also possible to order the product with both the positioning vest and positioning harness; using both simultaneously is allowed and may be deemed appropriate in situations involving very complex sensory and/or behavioral needs.The captions for the images below give the anti-escape options that may be ordered for each type of upper body support, as needed.
Positioning vest option. Side release buckles can be added as an anti-escape feature.Five-point positioning harness option. With this option, anti-escape chest clip guard and buckle guard are also options. This option is best for the most persistent escape artist.
Last updated on October 30, 2024.
Child Requirements
Age (years)
Measurements and Characteristics
Car Seat Mass (Weight)
12 lbs./5.4 kg
Vehicle Fit Characteristics
Outside height:
Widest outside width:
17 in./43.2 cm
Vehicle requirements:
Lap-shoulder belt and LATCH
If LATCH is not present in the vehicle seating position, must order/use Merritt’s Attachment Bracket Kit. To use the kit, MUST be able to slip the strap through the seat bight. (Test by sliding an object, like a ruler, between the seat cushions to ensure it can emerge at the back. This is usually only possible in minivans and SUVs.)
Child Fit Characteristics
Narrowest torso area:
Narrowest seat cushion width:
17 in./43.2 cm
Seat cushion depth:
15 in./38.1 cm or 18 in./45.7 cm
Seat cushion depth extender options:
No; order either 15 or 18 inch depths.
Harness Fit Characteristics
Harness Type:
Number of harness height positions:
CR bight to lowest shoulder height position:
CR bight to highest shoulder height position:
Crotch strap present:
Crotch strap adjustability:
CR bight to nearest crotch strap position:
CR bight to farthest crotch strap position:
Semi-recline allowed in forward-facing position:
N/A (recline matches vehicle seat)
Tether present:
Yes, required
Special tethering:
The product’s tether attaches to vehicle tether anchor, which sets the vertical straps along the front of the vehicle seatback that provide the underlying support for the harness or vest (and head support, if the vehicle lacks an adjustable head restraint).
If necessary, a Merritt-provided tether extension strap may be used to reach a tether anchor.
If LATCH is not present in the vehicle seating position, must order/use Merritt’s Attachment Bracket Kit. To use the kit, MUST be able to slip the strap through the seat bight. (Test by sliding an object, like a ruler, between the seat cushions to ensure it can emerge at the back. This is usually only possible in minivans and SUVs.)
Accessories • Add-ons
Additional/replacement vest
Buckle and chest clip guards (for use only with positioning harness version) (Note: Chest clip guard is the only chest clip allowed for this product. A standard chest clip is prohibited on this product.)
Side-release buckles (for use only with positioning vest version)
EZ-Up headrest
EZ-Up cap
Foam abductor
Hip inflection comfort pommel
Hip inflection wedge
Quick-change incontinent cover
Adductor strap
Attachment Bracket Kit (required for vehicles w/o LATCH)
Miscellaneous Information
MSRP (U.S. dollars): $1,095 with vest; $995.00 with harness
Company certifies to meet standard:
FMVSS213 (U.S.): Yes
CMVSS 213 (Canadian): Not tested to this standard.
Will ship to Canada? Yes
Owner’s manual languages available: English
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