Seat-Belt-Positioning Clips (Comfort Clips)
In many vehicles, the manufacturer has provided factory-installed clips that can be attached to a shoulder belt to lower its position on shorter occupants. Found on a vehicle wall or seat, these usually have a storage method when not in use, and often they are very hard to see when stowed. In a few vehicles, the seat-belt-positioning clip is not factory-installed but available by contacting the dealership parts department. See the vehicle owner’s manual for more details. Click on the pages below to enlarge the photos of these clips in recent vehicle models.
Finding Lap-Shoulder Belts to Be Too Short for Euro-Routing? Try This Tip
Latchplate Stops

Using a Belt-Shortening Clip
(Updates to this video: Ford now has only one approved third-party parts dealer; see Ford in current LATCH Manual. Also, the price for a belt-shortening clip is no longer nominal. Most sources, including dealers, charge about $30/clip.)
LATCH Manual 101
An overview of the basic components of SRN’s LATCH Manual, an essential resource for child passenger safety advocates. This non-CEU presentation focuses on the types of information in the LATCH Manual, where it comes from and, most importantly, how to find it. (NOTE: Although this presentation uses the 2021 LATCH Manual for examples, this is a general presentation that focuses on layout, which is consistent with later editions, including the current LATCH Manual. When working in the field, be sure to always refer to the most current edition, which is noted on the homepage.)
Click the image to watch the video; select from versions made specifically for U.S. or Canadian LATCH Manual users.
Switchable Retractor Technique
Certain techniques when using a belt with a switchable retractor can lessen the likelihood of sideways tilting. Caregivers can often be taught how to install a CR without using a locking clip. The key factors to teach are how to properly press on the CR/base and how to tighten the belt. Regular SRN contributorJoe Colella demonstrates these steps in this YouTube video. In it, he explains that he has found use of a locking clip to be unnecessary since he began using this technique.