Virtual Car Seat Checks
When social distancing, bad weather, or other factors make in-person car seat checks impossible, a virtual car seat check is a good alternative. While phone support has always been an option for remote education, smartphones, tablets, and computers make virtual car seat checks with audio and visual components possible through technology such as FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, Google Duo, and others.
Virtual checkups are handy, but have inherent challenges, so care should be taken in planning. Even when a checkup is conducted remotely, it’s important for CPSTs to follow the basic principles of Learn-Practice-Explain, careful documentation, and liability release sign-off. Use these materials to help!
Guidance Pre-Check Form Email Templates
Spanish Pre-Check Form Spanish Email Templates
Car Seat Recalls/Defects & Safety Notices
Date of most current list: 03/18/2025
This printed list includes recalls on child restraints manufactured since 1/1/2015, as of the date above, with the most recent addition(s) shaded gray. Information is subject to change, so always verify with the manufacturer. This recall list format was originally developed and maintained by the WA State Safety Restraint Coalition. It is currently maintained by Safe Ride News Publications.
Contact SRN if information is needed from our archive list of recalls on older CRs (though all CRs on the archive list are now expired and should not be used, even if repaired). NOTE: Inclusion on the non-archive recall list provided here does not ensure that a CR is not expired. Since the list includes CRs made since 2015, many units are now expired.
For a recall list specific to Canadian CRs, go to this website:
LATCH Gallery
Because a picture is worth a thousand words, the LATCH Gallery provides photos of interesting examples of lower and tether anchors in vehicles. It is intended to assist the Child Passenger Safety community by clarifying challenging vehicle LATCH situations that are more creative, complex or confusing than most.
View the Gallery—TAs View the Gallery—LAs
Child Restraint Manufacturer Contacts for CPSTs
Many manufacturers have a staff member whose role is to interface with the CPS community on technical issues. If the company has such a staff member, the name and contact info of that representative is indicated on the CR company list below. Please note, however, that only trained advocates should access these contacts; others in the general public should use the companies’ customer service lines CPSTs should not contact these individuals regarding warranty issues.
Contacts for CPSTs Contacts for the Public
How Retractors Lock
A flyer for caregivers who are worried their seat belt is not locking or wish to have basic information about these lifesaving devices.
GM Seat Belt Recall—Models and Diagnostic Test Instructions
Vehicle Owner’s Manual
Locator Guide and Tips for Reading
The Locator Guide gives a brand-by-brand roadmap to finding official vehicle owner’s manuals, which are essential for proper car seat installation. The Tips for Reading Vehicle Manuals provides information that helps to understand many aspects of vehicle owner’s manuals.
See the guide (web based) See the guide (PDF) See the tips
Safe Ride News Newsletter Index/Table of Contents
Curious about the topics Safe Ride News has covered in the past? Need help tracking down an article? The table of contents and an annual Index of Safe Ride News issues can be viewed by clicking the button below and selecting the issue/year.
SRN Resource Guide for CPSTs
This two-page sheet includes national resources that are important for all CPS technicians, plus space to add your local resources. Developed especially for instructors as a handy way to provide new CPSTs and CPST Candidates with important contact information and resources for further learning.
FMVSS 213 Outline
This color-coded outline was created by Safe Ride News Publications to help understand FMVSS 213, the regulation that sets standards for car seats. It also can function like a table of contents for users who are wanting to track down specific details within the official NHTSA document.
Uppababy Mesa—Waterfall Fix
UPPAbaby has developed a fix for a problem it has identified in which the Mesa’s base rises off the front edge of certain vehicle seat cushions. This problem occurs specifically when Mesa is installed in vehicles with seats that have what’s called a waterfall (aka bight-line waterfall, tootsie roll, or butt chamfer). This seating design has a curved or angular cushion segment over the bight, so the seating cushion and seatback do not meet at a right angle. The interaction of the Mesa base with this waterfall feature forces the non-belt-path end of the base to rise upward, so it hovers off the front edge of the vehicle seat cushion rather than making proper contact.
Hospital Discharge Documents
CHA Checklist for Hospital Discharge Recommendations for Safe Transportation of Children
AAP: Hospital Discharge Recommendations for Safe Transportation of Children